Monday, January 18, 2010

Greatness Through Service - A Call From Dr. Martin Luther King

Happy Birthday Dr. King.
Thank you for the many lessons, examples, words of wisdom and truths for us to live by.

He encourages us to be of service to others so that we can be great. Greatness he says is achieved through love and service to others.

As we look at our nation in economic crisis, our world with wars, natural disasters and other injustice and ills, our neighbors and our selves, we see and know that we must open our hearts and minds, our wallets and pray so that we can continue to enjoy our lives, our freedoms and grace.

As I looked around and thought about a statement to express my gratitude to Dr. King and his works, I think Dr King's Drum Major Instincts sermon at Atlanta's Ebenezer Baptist Church on February 4, 1968, is fitting. It gives us guidance to rise up and take action.
Dr. King spoke to the congregation to love one another and to serve each other as the good book taught us. Through service to others we will achieve greatness and make this world a better place, he said.
"Yes, Jesus, I want to be on your right or your left side, (Yes) not for any selfish reason. I want to be on your right or your left side, not in terms of some political kingdom or ambition. But I just want to be there in love and in justice and in truth and in commitment to others, so that we can make of this old world a new world."

I hope you will heed this call or continue your service and greatness.

Happy Birthday Dr. King.

Thank you for your love and your service!

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