Monday, September 28, 2009

My To Do List Done!

Today, for the first in a long time I was able to complete the things on my to do list despite the many interruptions, challenges and issues that cropped up. What at feeling! I never really thought of good days at work in these terms but today I feel really good about getting the things I planned to do done. At the end of the day I was able to set up my next to do list without transferring any left over items. Believe me, there is plenty for the next list so no need to carry over items. Each day will bring its own additions.

I always start the day with a plan to guide me through but without fail, things crop-up and derail the plan. I don’t usually feel bad about leaving things on the to do list because I always work hard and usually have a very busy and productive day. It is an accomplishment to cross off everything on the to do list in a day! It is really nice to close the door on the things planned for the day and be able to start fresh on the next day.

My day started off ugly but it turned out well. For one thing I was wearing a white sweater set and spilled coffee all over my chest. The spill, looked more like a splash, happened as I hurried to the car to get to a series of meetings and visits. This situation brings to mind one of the Hummel Figurines that I have. Hummel's were my favorite collectables back in the day. This particular one reads, What a beautiful day… now watch some bastard louse it up. But despite my splash, I didn’t dismay, I didn’t slow down but went full speed ahead. Even after the millionth thing done for the day, I walked away feeling very good. My To Do List - Done!

I didn’t let the bastard louse up my day. Wooohoooooooooo!!!
Ahhhh, the little pleasures!

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