Sunday, January 3, 2010

Life Changes and the New Year

The more things change the more they stay the same. You know what, that is not entirely a bad thing but let's shake it up a bit this year. As we celebrate and revel in having the good fortune of seeing another Year, we also get our routines underway. We are such creatures of habit that even though we celebrate and wish for changes, improvements and good or great things and lives in the New Year, we still fall back to the routines. As the holidays wind down and we gear up for the daily grind, we move back to the familiar and common practices of every day life.

It's Sunday, the get ready for the week day. Well, Sundays are more than that but it seems we think and plan and prepare the things and our minds for the week ahead through out the day. Each person I spoke with this afternoon, one of my routines, made reference to getting ready for the week. Did you add a new step, routine, task, activity to your usual grind that will move you closer to the goals, resolutions or expectations for the New Year? It is the time to do so!

My getting ready after a weekend or holiday involves taking my kids to the station or airport to return to school. It also means getting dinner ready, the work clothes, school uniforms and activities and schedules organized and in-sink with everyone. Watching the ball games and catching up with folks over the phone. I enjoy the preparations and the looking forward so that I am 'ready' for the week ahead. It is also a time for reflection and recollection and strategies for changes, moves and improvements or simply addressing unresolved or unsettled issues to put them to rest.

So as we get into this New Year, 2010, not much has changed. I made the trip to the station for the trip back to school. I got back home and made the dinner, got the clothes etc together to start the week while watching the football games, as usual. Not to mention the phone calls. I guess one difference with the calls from most of the weekends/holidays is that these conversations started and ended with Happy New Year! I like it. I like new, I like happy and I like 'changes.' Wait a second; I am like most others when it comes to changes. It takes work but for the most part I think it is good and I try to roll with it. This New Year, I have some things I want to change.

As we move into this New Year, let us turn over a new leaf; hopefully change some of the attitudes, practices and beliefs that have kept us from achieving the dreams, goals and resolutions. Make this years' change one where things doesn't stay the same. I want more good, better and a truly happy New Year for all! I have some routines that really just make sense, some are necessary but there will be some changes in quite a few things and areas for me. Things will not stay the same. Well, not all things.

I hope you will make some life changes too. We can all do something more, something different, something better and something for others.

Happy New Year!


nice A said...

Thanks for sharing the same thoughts as mine.
I do love your closure: "We can all do something more, something different, something better and something for others."
I'm now following you.

philly5113 said...

Thank you for your kindness. I like the company!
Our value is increased and our lives richer through our caring and giving. P